2 Picture Books about the Works and Life of L’engle – Wrinkle in Time Picture Books


Wrinkle in Time Picture Books by Bill B. This post contains affiliate links, you can find out more on our policies page or in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blog. 

Book #1 : Stay Angry, Little Girl

Inspired by A Wrinkle in Time and the works of its Madeleine L’Engle (Based on the quote “Stay Angry, Little Meg” from A Wrinkle in Time)

Illustrator: Michelle Jing Chan
Categories/Genres: Picture book
Length: 24 pages
Date First Released: August 6, 2024
Suggested Age Range: 3-7 years old
Warnings: None

Stay Angry, Little Girl Summary

This book is inspired by a quote from the young adult classic fantasy A Wrinkle in Time. It is a simple yet powerful message to little girls to be angry, sensitive, stubborn, curious, loud, kind, and playful when they need to be. The book has simple text and bright, colorful illustrations. It is inclusive, showing kids of all races and abilities.

As a note, A Wrinkle in Time has been a banned book, and this is shown with a teacher reading from it with several other banned books in the background. A great book to read with kids, especially girls.

Book #2: A Book, Too, Can Be a Star

Full Title: A Book, Too, Can Be a Star (The Story of Madeleine L’Engle and the Making of A Wrinkle in Time)
Authors: Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Jennifer Adams
Illustrator: Adelina Lirius
Categories/Genres: Picture book
Length: 40 pages
Date First Released: October 4, 2022
Suggested Age Range: 4-10 years old
Warnings: One strict school might be triggering

A Book, Too, Can Be a Star Summary

This is a non-fiction picture book that covers much of the life of Madeleine L’Engle, the author of A Wrinkle in Time. It starts with her as a child, and continues into her schooling where she initially had some difficulties), her early jobs, and her marriage. All through these periods she is asking questions, looking at the stars, and often writing.

L’Engle wrote when she had questions. She wrote to tell stories. A Wrinkle in Time was originally rejected because publishers did not want to publish a book with children as the heroes, thinking it would not sell. They were wrong.

The artwork is beautiful. It is realistic but also has an element of the magical. This is a great way to inspire kids to follow their dreams, and also a good early introduction to her books.

Favorite A Book, Too, Can Be a Star Quotes

“She learned that a book can be like a star – a new and fiery creation that can shine light into a dark universe.”

“Sometimes, the stars asked more questions than they answered. And that was all right.”

“…asking questions is very important, even if we don’t always find an answer.”

“After all, the universe is full of questions. And there are as many different stories as there are stars.”

Charlotte Jones Voiklis is Madeleine L’Engel’s granddaughter. Jennifer Adams is an author of the BabyLit series.

Thanks for reading our post about Wrinkle in Time Picture Books where we discuss Stay Angry, Little Girl and A Book, Too, Can Be a Star. Check out our Max in the House of Spies Review for more great reading suggestions!

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